Initiative Details

US1001Maximum age to be elected to office

Maximum age to be elected to office


Elected officials cannot be more than 5 years older than the latest standard Social Security retirement age (currently 67) on the first day of their new term. This includes incumbents seeking another term.

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pro info:

Have An Upper Bound On Age To Run For Office. Current Social Security retirement age is 67+5= 72 year old.

Look where we are 9 months before the Presidential Election – 2 very old men are the candidates.

We need to put an upper age limit on persons seeking to be elected to a Federal or State Position.

The candidate cannot be older than the normal Social Security Retirement age + five (5) years when they are to begin their term in office. This includes incumbents seeking another term.

For example: If Annie would be 73 on the first day of office when the Social Security Retirement age is 66, she is too old to be elected.

We will all lose a ½ step mentally and physically as we get older, a good example is our two main presidential candidates, plus one’s Worldview is outdated. At that age it is time to pass the baton and let future leaders show their talent and ideas.

It is not a set age but will drift higher as the Social Security retirement age increases.

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con info:

Just because each office has a lower-age limit, is it fair to have an upper-age bound for being elected?

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