Time for a raise?
Congresspersons are complaining they have not had a raise in 15years since 2009 (Washington Post).
Their salary is stuck at $170,000/yr. Good but not great considering they having to maintain 2 households.
I almost feel as bad for them as another group of Americans that have also not had a raise since 2009 – those making the Federal minimum wage.
It has not been raised since 2009 and is a whopping $7.25 an hour.
For a 40hr/week, 50 weeks a year job, that would total to $14,500 annually.
Seriously? Lucky, many States have raised their own minimum wages to compensate.
Regardless, stop having to vote on these things. Don’t waste your time, ours, and stop knuckling-under to the big money donors that want it to remain as is.
!!!! Raise the Federal Minimum Wage annually, or every couple of years, by the annual cost-of-living (COLA). !!!!
If Social Security was not raised regularly, representatives would all be kicked out of office.
Please do the same for the people making the minimum wages.
Then your constituents may be amenable to Congress also being allowed an auto-increased wage.
Purpose above Politics & Power